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Amorous Professor Cherry - Walkthrough/guide (Adult Title). The more you say it, the more I'll believe it, and I'll work that much harder to make a DECENT guide for every single game on jastUSA. Shop for cheap price Amorous Jax Date Guide.Price Low and Options of Amorous Jax Date Guide from variety stores in usa. Products sale. 'Today, if you do not want to disappoint, Check price before the Price Up.Amorous Jax Date Guide You will not regret if check price.' Where can I buy Amorous Jax Date Guide.
Amorous is a FurryRomanceH-Game created by Jasonafex, with artwork and character designs by Kabier. Set in a fictionalized version of Miami (or any other city), you play a recent college graduate who's still waiting on replies for a job interview. Unfortunately, you've lost touch with your old friends in high school, and the only company you have is your half-brother, who's always disappearing off to club Amorous every night. The solution? Go join him and see what the fuss is about! Hell, you might get lucky and pick up some new phone numbers while you're there.Amorous Dating Guide
The game features nine dateable charactersnote , all with branching storylines: Jax, Seth, Coby, Skye, Dustin, Mercy, Zenith, Remy, and Lex.
You can get view its homepage and download it here. It was released on Steam on April 14, 2018
Amorous provides examples of:
Amorous Game Guide Pdf
- Absent-Minded Professor: Seth. So much that he locks himself away to work on his first novel and forgets to call the player between acts. Turns out he somehow lost your phone number whilst doing the laundry.
- Aerith and Bob: Subverted. They sound weird, but they're actual names.
- Adult Fear: The player worries that Seth's newfound success as a writer will eventually drive them apart.
- Adorkable: Seth is this, big time. Just look at him blush every time the player calls him 'cute' or 'adorable'!
- Ambiguous Gender: Lex, who identifies and dresses as non binary.
- Attention Whore: Jax. His mixing talents - along with his stripperiffic uniform - makes him extremely popular at the club, though his boss doesn't care much for his showboating.
- Bi the Way: The player character is this, given that they have the option to date members of both sexes (including one transexual character and another of Ambiguous Gender). However, this might lean more towards Ambiguously Bi, depending on the player's own personal preferences. Jax however plays this trope straight, having only ever dated two people of the same sex. (The second one being the player, of course.)
- Bland-Name Product: During on of the dates with Skye, you visit a video game store and the player character can look at and comment on several games with familiar sounding names, usually combinations of the names of two real games.
- Camp Gay: Coby, big time.
- Coitus Ensues: Always happens on the third date, possibly as a reference to the 'third date' rule. Except for Coby, who's sole date consists of this.
- Color Coded Emotions: Jax changes color depending on his emotions; Blue is his default state, purple when he's embarassed or flustered, and red when he's mad.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: Skye is a furry equivalent of a cosplayer.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Jax is very distrusting of men and suffers from an insecurity complex as a result of being in an abusive relationship with another man. The crux of his storyline depends entirely on the player trying to win Jax's trust.
- Zenith turns out to also have a troubled past. He is a former police officer who quit out of guilt from getting his partner killed.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Let's see.. we have a camp gay stepbrother who's into crossdressing, in an open relationship with someone overseas, a frequent patreon of club Amorous, and flirts with (and also sleeping with) just about any man he sees. Surely he's not a stand-in for common furry stereotypes, right?
- Featureless Protagonist: Neither the player's species or appearance are referenced by the other characters, although parts of them do show up during the sex scenes.
- Flirty Stepsiblings: Your stepbrother Coby flirts with you frequently. It's up to the player whether to reciprocate or not.
- Foreshadowing: If the player takes Jax to see a romantic comedy at the movies, he'll show discomfort about the sudden gay-pairing twist at the end. This is your first major hint that Jax has a personal issue with same-sex relationships.
- Happily Adopted: The player character is this, thanks to Character Customization.
- Mix-and-Match Critters: Jax is a hybrid of a chameleon and a gecko.
- Multiple-Choice Past: Your player character's past is mostly a blank slate - the only detail you're given is that you were adopted. It's up to the player themselves to fill in the gaps.
- No-Sell: Jax will shoot down every sexual advance the player tries to make on him and will generally avoid talking about himself. Getting his phone number requires a bit of outside-the-box thinking and playing to his showmanship, though.
- Post-End Game Content: You won't get any additional story content after completing each date's path. However, clicking on their profile on your phone will enable you to do a 'booty call', which will allow you to view their sex scene again.
- Romance Game: Duh.
- Refuge in Audacity: If you admit to having sex with your stepbrother to your stepfather, he doesn't believe you.
- Rule of Three: Every dateable character's storyline plays out in three acts, with the third date ending in Coitus Ensues. Averted with Coby, who's storyline only has one date, mostly because unlike they other candidates you've know each other your whole lives.. Aaaaand Coby has been dropping some clear hints on you for a long while.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Seth will occasionally slip into this, given his vocation as a writer. However, it's not as bad as most examples of this tropes, so it's downplayed a little.
- Shout-Out: Skye's cosplay outfit is clearly a reference to Renamon from the Digimon franchise when the player first meets her. Her character sheet also shows that she dresses up as Lucario from Pokémon, though whether she wears this at some point through her storyline remains to be seen.
- She does
- Stripperiffic: Jax's work 'uniform'. It makes him very popular at Club Amorous, but it also attracts a lot of unwanted attention.
- Title Drop: The eponymous Amorous club, where you pick your dates from.
- Unexpected Gameplay Change: Zenith's storyline contains a shooting minigame, when you go to a shooting range with him.
- Where the Hell Is Springfield?: The city where Amorous takes place is never mentioned by name, but several clues seem to point towards the setting being somewhere in or around either Florida or California.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: It doesn't get much attention, but peeking into Coby's closet reveals that he likes to crossdress. The player character can also choose to crossdress.
- Writer's Block: Seth suffers from this, and as a result, many of his works remain incomplete. The players helps him overcome this in his storyline.