Free Coding Tutorial Average ratng: 4,8/5 9651 votes

Not so long ago, typing was for secretaries, journalists, and would-be authors. Now we're all tapping away at keyboards and screens from morning until night.

The number of people who spend their workday coding continues to soar. In the not-too-distant future, writing code may be as commonplace as typing and other forms of text-keying are today.

In our free code tutorials, you’ll be introduced to many widely used website languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. However, the fifth tutorial is on binary code – the native language of computers. The purpose of each of these tutorials is not to train you fully, but just to give you a taste. hosts a free HTML tutorial for absolute beginners. If you’re ready to learn how to code for free, you could do worse than start with something this straightforward. W3schools HTML Tutorial. W3schools offers this free HTML tutorial, which is ideal for anyone wondering how to learn coding and overwhelmed with the idea of starting.

Grasshopper is the coding app for beginners. With fun, quick lessons on your phone, the app teaches adult learners to write real JavaScript. 9 Places You Can Learn How to Code (for Free): Coding isn't just for the supergeeks anymore-it's super valuable for any business professional.

Learning how to code has never been easier. Whether you're a programming newbie or an old hand looking to learn a new skill or two, these four free services have you covered. (Note that all but requires that you register to use the service by providing an e-mail address and password.)

All four of the coding tutorials I tested have their positive attributes (ahem), but my favorite is LearnStreet's Ruby for Beginners, which was just my speed. The lessons prompt you to write and run the code for each step, and when you make a mistake -- which is key to learning how to program -- the correction hints are clear.

The video lessons in Khan Academy's Programming curriculum keep you engaged in the subject and are perfect for folks starting at square one. However, the complete program could easily take weeks to complete.

I made it through 24 percent of the Codecademy's Ruby tutorial before I hit a lesson that stopped me in my tracks: in the loops section, of course. If you've done a little coding in the past, you'll likely have better luck than I did with Codecademy's write-it-yourself approach.

The simplest of the coding tutorials I tried was's JavaScript tutorial, which you can complete without having to register (unlike the other three services). Each of its dozens of lessons includes plenty of 'Try it yourself' options for practicing the technique the step covers.

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LearnStreet puts the focus on the code
The first thing you notice when you start the lessons on LearnStreet is the prominent code-entry screen on the right side of the window. Under the code is the run environment that demonstrates the code you write. The instructions are listed on the left side of the screen.

It took me about two hours to work my way through the first five lessons in LearnStreet's 12-lesson Ruby for Beginners. Once you finish the site's programming courses, you can turn your attention to the dozens of coding projects for JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. The projects can be sorted by level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and by category (tools, games, and algorithms).

LearnStreet also offers free courseware for teachers who want to instruct their students in coding.

Khan Academy lays a solid programming foundation
The Khan Academy is famous for its ground-breaking video tutorials covering nearly every subject a student is likely to encounter. Rather than focus on a particular programming language, the Khan Academy's programming module uses JavaScript to illustrate concepts that apply to coding in general while also teaching some practical JavaScript skills.

The courses are divided into about a dozen categories, each of which has from three to 12 separate lessons. Each video lesson animates the coding technique in a window on the left and shows the result of the code running in a window on the right.

After you watch the coding in action, you're challenged to write code that duplicates the operation. When your code isn't quite right, the tutorial provides hints to help you spot and correct the problem.

It's easy to navigate the Khan Academy lessons and jump between them and the site's other features. A space is provided for creating your own programs, which you can save in your profile and share with the world. You can also browse the programs written by other students.

Like LearnStreet, teachers can sign up to be 'coaches' for their students and manage their students' progress. You can monitor your own progress and set goals for yourself in your dashboard, which prominently displays the badges you've won and your 'energy points.'

Expand your programming horizons with Codecademy
As much as I appreciate Codecademy's polished interface and interactive tutorials, more than once I was stymied by the lack of help when the code I wrote failed to execute as expected.

Admittedly, my programming experience is limited to HTML and JavaScript. The lessons in Codecademy's Ruby tutorial had me backing up and restarting several individual steps, even with the hints that the lessons offer to us tyro programmers when something's not running as expected.

Most of the Codecademy lesson screen is taken up by the window in which you enter code. The instructions for the step are in the left pane. After you enter your code and click the Save & Submit Code button, the code runs in a pop-up window on the right side of the screen.

I was making fairly good progress through the Ruby tutorial until I reached the Loops & Iterators module. When I took a class years ago in C++ I recall struggling through the same subject. After about a half-dozen attempts, I threw in the towel. (As with most tutorials, you can't proceed to the next module until you complete the current one successfully.)

Keeping it simple pays off for
At first glance, the JavaScript tutorial on looked too basic to be useful. After I had stepped through the first half-dozen lessons, I found the pace of the lessons kept me interested without overwhelming me.

The site offers tutorials in HTML, CSS, XML, SQL, PHP, JQuery, and other Web technologies in addition to JavaScript. There are also demos for building a Web site, server technologies, and Web databases.

The lessons are at a slower pace than those of the other three tutorials I tried, and they entail lots of scrolling down the page. You read the instructions and are then shown the code. Click the Try It Yourself button to open a new browser window that lets you write and run the lesson's code.

The Basic section of's JavaScript tutorial has 19 separate lessons, each of which will take most people 15 minutes to a half hour to complete. There are eight more Advanced lessons, as well as eight to 12 lessons for HTML DOM and Browser BOM. Another dozen or so modules provide libraries, examples, and references.

What a difference an hour makes
This is Computer Science Education Week, and is honoring the occasion by sponsoring the Hour of Code program that encourages teachers to spend an hour teaching their students how to code. (My certificate of completion is shown at the top of this post.)

The Computer Science Education Week site has tutorials that let students as young as 6 years old write their first program in an Angry Birds-like environment. The site also has the Khan Academy's Introduction to JavaScript intended for students in middle school and up, in addition to other app-development resources for students of all ages, many of which are designed to be used offline.

A team of 30+ global web development experts have done in depth research to come up with this compilation of Best Free Web Development and Programming Tutorial, Courses, Training, Classes and Certification available online for 2019. These include free resources to help you learn and excel at programming and web development, and are suitable for beginners as well as experts.

14 Best Free Web Development & Programming Tutorial, Course & Certification [2019] [UPDATED]

1. Free Web Development Courses on LinkedIn Learning

Choose from over 500 courses on LinkedLearning (previously as teachers and trainers from all over the globe congregate to teach you all the tips and tricks of web development and various aspects. You can pick up a free class on HTML, Angular, PHP, Node, React, ASP and many more topics. All these tutorials are of varying lengths and you can access them all for free, at least for a month, by subscribing to the platform.

2. Free Web Development Courses by Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a pioneer when it comes to free online learning and you can take tiny steps into the arena of web development with the host of free courses around the subject on their portal. Course list includes –

– Intro to JS : Drawing and Animation

– Intro to HTML/CSS: Making Webpages

– Intro to SQL: Querying and Managing Data Download pes 2012 apk android.

– Advanced JS: Games and Visualization

– Advanced JS: Natural Simulations

– HTML/JS: Making webpages interactive

– HTML/JS: Making webpages interactive with jQuery

3. Learn Responsive Web Development from Scratch

Eduonix Learning Solutions is quite the expert when it comes to online courses. This 4.5 hour long training program from them will help you learn the basic concepts of responsive web development while helping you work on projects that map theory into practical learning. The course hopes to empower you to build responsive websites.

4. Web Development in 2019 – A Practical Guide

Traversy Media has come up with a brilliant guide to teach you web development in 2019. The trainer wants to teach you to be a full stack developer. The video tutorial available on YouTube includes everything right from basic tools to html/css, JavaScript, UI frameworks like Bootstrap to server side technologies like Node.js, Python and PHP. You will also learn about frameworks like Laravel, Django and Ruby on Rails. This is quite an informative and useful series if you wish to learn programming for free.

5. MIT’s Free Course on Computer Science and Programming

When MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) offers a MOOC for free, there is not much one should think about. MIT’s Free Computer Science Programming course is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. As a student, you will understand the role computation plays in solving problems. Using the Python programming language, students will learn to write small programs in order to accomplish useful goals.

Prof. John Guttag will teach this course and it will involve video lectures(with subtitles/transcript), Assignments: problem sets with solutions, programming with examples and you may have to purchase some online textbooks. You can go through the details of the course mentioned above.

6. Programming for Entrepreneurs Free Tutorial – HTML & CSS

Well this one’s special. So many entrepreneurs and everybody looking for a technical co-founder. Guess what, help is on the way. This program created by Pablo Farias Navarro with Zenva Academy will help you learn the basics of web development. You can start this training program with no prior coding experience as well.

7. Complete Free Web Development Course: Become A Professional Website Developer Today!

This free video course has been attended by more than 700,000 students worldwide! Joe Parys academy will teach you all you need to know to become a professional web developer. Whether you are a beginner, or want to learn some advanced concepts, this course has you covered.

The course covers many platforms and technologies including Notepad, HTML and CSS, Bootstrap, Bootstrap3 and Bootstrap4. The program also touches upon Node.js, PHP From Beginner To Advanced and AngularJS.

8. Free Mobile Web Specialist Certification by Google

Now this is a certification that comes along with a detailed study guide. If you intend to develop expertise in mobile web development, then this could be a good choice for you. This Mobile Web Specialist Study Guide offers details about various sub topics such as Website Layout and Styling, Front end Networking, Progressive Web Apps, Performance Optimization and Caching among multitude of other elements. Once you are done with the detailed study on the subject, you can head towards taking the Mobile Web Specialist Certificate Exam.

9. Learn HTML & CSS: How To Start Your Web Development Career

Michael Bowen is a Front End Developer who knows his job! He is adept at HTML, CSS, Javascript, Swift, Sketch and Xcode. In this 4.5 hour course, he will help you learn HTML and enable you to jump start your career in web development. You will learn how to create Your Own HTML & CSS Websites and also make a BBC Website Clone as part of the project.

10. Web Development Programs by Udacity

Udacity is a renowned name in the field of online education. With a host of free courses on various subjects, we have to recommend you to try out their web development free courses as well. This is an intermediate course, not entirely suitable for somebody with no prior experience around web development. The trainer Steve Huffman who built Reddit and then Hipmunk will teach you everything from the basics of how the web works to core web development concepts. It will then take you to form validations, databases, APIs, scaling issues and more.

11. Sass Free Course

This quick 3 hour course by Lawrence Turton will help you figure how Sass is becoming more prominent in web development and how you can use the API and command line for Sass. You will learn to develop projects quicker by implementing SASS, how to install SASS on any Operating System, understand SASS commands and understand basic & advanced SASS API’s.

12. Foundations of Front end Development

Davide Molin, owner at Coding Shack will empower you with all the tools and practical knowledge necessary to build single page web applications. This practically could well be enough to kickstart your career working for an agency or a freelancer. You can enroll for this one without any prior knowledge on the subject and the tutor will approach each topic from scratch.

13. Master the Basics of HTML5 & CSS3: Beginner Web Development

Learn the foundational concepts of coding in this course that will introduce you to HTML and CSS. Learn to perform simple tasks such as creating a basic web page, changing colours, constructing lists; and also understand how to style your web pages, add content box and do a lot more simple things in web development. You can enroll without any prior knowledge of coding.

14. Dynamic Web Applications Free Course from Microsoft

This course has been developed by Microsoft and you will get to learn basic concepts behind Angular and the life cycle of an Angular component. You will work through a series of sequential modules and learn to create sophisticated, enterprise-grade web apps that render, HTML components. Your instructors for the course will be Sidney Andrews, Microsoft Certified Trainer, Cloud Applications Consultant from SeeSharpRun.NET and Pete Harris, Content Developer at Microsoft’s Learning Experiences.

BONUS : More Certifications and Courses

15. Best Android Development Course

If you want to understand how to create apps like Uber, Whatsapp and many others, then we’ve got the perfect solution for you. Learn to develop for Android Nougat, whether you are a freelancer, consultant or job creator. These programs will help you take your android development game to the next level.

16. Best Blockchain Course

Learn about Blockchain fabric development & architecture, Deep dive into Hyperledger Composer and learn blockchain with thousands of other learners in these shortlisted courses that will help you learn the latest technology out there.

Medical Coding Tutorials Free

17. R Certification

R has fast gained popularity and prominence among developers worldwide. We have put together a list of the best tutorial, courses and training on R programming. You will also find material on probability, statistics among other sections of data science on our website.

18. Unreal Engine Tutorial

Game development has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years and this is an ideal time to try your hand out at the same. Unreal Engine being one of the latest technologies is being adopted by many for creating VR games among other experiences. Check out the best courses and tutorials on the subject.

19. Machine Learning Certification

We have compiled a list of best machine learning certification by Stanford University, University of Washington among various other institutes and tutors. These include intermediate level courses and high level learning programs.

20. Vue JS Tutorial

If React and Angular are not your thing, then you must definitely focus on Vue JS for front end development. These easy tutorials will help you master this framework and build apps on it. Along with Vue, we also have Angular and React courses listed on the website.

21. Artificial Intelligence Certification

As Data Science takes over the world, it is important to deep dive and carefully look at various branches like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. No matter how much one knows, there is always more scope to know more and learn more.

22. Golang Tutorial

We have compiled a list of Golang’ best tutorial, course and training available online. The open source language has become quite prominent over the past few years and since there is not enough information on the subject, we put together this list to help you become a Golang pro.

23. Best Python Course

If Python is on your mind, then we have done extensive research to help you excel in the domain. Find out best courses, tutorials and certifications on the subject. Learn about Python 2 and Python 3, how to create games with Python (Tic Tac Toe / Blackjack) and all about using Object Oriented Programming with classes.

24. Best Data Science Certification

From John Hopkins to University of Washington, we have covered it all. Find free courses, tutorials, udemy lectures, coursera certificates and much more in our exhaustive list. Learn all about machine learning, deep learning, r programming and much more.

25. Help Desk Certification

Along with web development and programming, an important field that has opened up doors to many career opportunities is IT Support and Help Desk. Many professionals are looking towards this industry as a viable career option and now Google has also launched a new course for certifying professionals in this industry.

26. Free Certification Courses

Best Free Online Coding Tutorials

You may also want to look at some of the best free courses around web development, programming and other domains listed on our portal. These include udemy, udacity, coursera among many other course providers.

27. Amazon AWS Certification

Not exactly web development, but the fairly technical field of AWS is attracting lot of professionals to build their career as an AWS Certified professional. We have listed the best available courses, training programs and tutorials which will guide you to crack the AWS certification exam. We have listed guides for AWS Certified Developer – Associate, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator and all other certification courses.

28. Xcode Tutorial

If you’ve been planning to develop something on iOS, then we’ve got the best courses listed for you around Xcode. These will help you learn iOS development, Swift development, Xcode 9 and a lot more. The tutors of these courses have taught over 300,000 students globally online. Well worth a look and we hope you find something useful there.

29. Blender Tutorial

Right from courses developed by Michael Bridges to freely available ones, we have compiled a list of the best blender tutorials available online. These programs will help you use Blender for creating video game 3D models in addition to house design. No prior knowledge is required to join these courses. One look and you will know why these tutorial are so good.

21. Best JavaScript Tutorial

Finally the all encompassing compilation! JavaScript is well taking the world by storm, and we thought we should do our best in presenting the best programs around the language at one place. So whether you are looking for a certification, tutorial, course or training online, we have you covered. What’s more? We’ve even added relevant ES6 courses with ES7 upgrades in the list so you can stay a step ahead of everyone.

So that folks was our take on the best free web development courses, tutorials, training and certifications. Hope you found what you were looking for. Also check out Unity Course and Docker Tutorial for getting better in the domains. Do subscribe to our newsletter if you want to stay updated on the latest trends and courses from the world of web development and multiple other domains.

Wish you all the best! Happy Learning! Team Digital Defynd.