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Free Pdf Computer Science Textbooks

Great books for computer scientists!
1Introduction to Algorithms
4.32 avg rating — 7,103 ratings
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2Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
4.44 avg rating — 3,866 ratings
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3The C Programming Language
4.41 avg rating — 8,378 ratings
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4The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3 Boxed Set
4.50 avg rating — 710 ratings
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5The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
4.31 avg rating — 13,527 ratings
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5Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
4.17 avg rating — 9,073 ratings
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4.39 avg rating — 5,669 ratings
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8Introduction to the Theory of Computation
4.22 avg rating — 1,677 ratings
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9The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering
4.05 avg rating — 10,210 ratings
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10Code Complete
4.29 avg rating — 7,834 ratings
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11Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
4.17 avg rating — 3,459 ratings
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12The Protocols (TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1)
4.30 avg rating — 1,196 ratings
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13Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
4.31 avg rating — 1,542 ratings
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14Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
4.08 avg rating — 2,687 ratings
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4.40 avg rating — 1,308 ratings
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16Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation
4.01 avg rating — 586 ratings
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17Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!: A Beginner's Guide
4.32 avg rating — 1,953 ratings
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18A Discipline of Programming
4.27 avg rating — 157 ratings
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19Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science
4.33 avg rating — 1,700 ratings
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20The Algorithm Design Manual
4.34 avg rating — 2,121 ratings
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21Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
4.42 avg rating — 693 ratings
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22Joel on Software
4.10 avg rating — 3,088 ratings
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22The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
4.54 avg rating — 575 ratings
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24The Society of Mind
4.03 avg rating — 2,972 ratings
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25Hacker's Delight
4.20 avg rating — 1,057 ratings
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26Programming Pearls
4.20 avg rating — 2,900 ratings
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27Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C
4.19 avg rating — 1,986 ratings
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28The Psychology of Computer Programming
4.11 avg rating — 488 ratings
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29An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus
4.14 avg rating — 176 ratings
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30What Is Life? with Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches
4.15 avg rating — 4,406 ratings
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31Fundamental Kotlin
4.33 avg rating — 36 ratings
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32The Little Schemer
4.27 avg rating — 1,751 ratings
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33Database System Concepts
3.76 avg rating — 436 ratings
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34A First Course in Logic: An Introduction to Model Theory, Proof Theory, Computability, and Complexity
4.35 avg rating — 17 ratings
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35An Introduction to Database Systems
3.94 avg rating — 334 ratings
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36Chaos: Making a New Science
3.99 avg rating — 27,724 ratings
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37The UNIX Programming Environment
4.23 avg rating — 1,185 ratings
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38Feynman Lectures On Computation
4.23 avg rating — 369 ratings
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39Basic Proof Theory
3.83 avg rating — 6 ratings
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40Structured Computer Organization
3.95 avg rating — 458 ratings
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41Quality Software Management: Systems Thinking
4.28 avg rating — 90 ratings
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41The Fractal Geometry of Nature
4.20 avg rating — 1,072 ratings
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43Computability Theory
4.58 avg rating — 12 ratings
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44Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects
3.97 avg rating — 648 ratings
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45Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life
3.93 avg rating — 4,306 ratings
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46Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
4.18 avg rating — 778 ratings
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47Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
4.23 avg rating — 6,317 ratings
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48The Annotated Turing: A Guided Tour Through Alan Turing's Historic Paper on Computability and the Turing Machine
4.22 avg rating — 762 ratings
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49Algorithm Design
4.11 avg rating — 508 ratings
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50Pro Git
4.15 avg rating — 2,444 ratings
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50The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms
4.36 avg rating — 1,660 ratings
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52Computational Complexity
3.80 avg rating — 123 ratings
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53Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design
3.88 avg rating — 115 ratings
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53The It Handbook for Business: Managing Information Technology Support Costs
4.40 avg rating — 10 ratings
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53Reviewing Java
4.25 avg rating — 4 ratings
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53Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age
3.91 avg rating — 1,044 ratings
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57Computability and Unsolvability
3.96 avg rating — 23 ratings
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58Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures
4.17 avg rating — 46 ratings
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59Reviewing C++
really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 4 ratings
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60Computability and Logic
4.04 avg rating — 121 ratings
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61The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex
3.84 avg rating — 1,543 ratings
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62Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order
4.01 avg rating — 2,378 ratings
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63The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design
4.11 avg rating — 2,389 ratings
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64Make Your Own Neural Network: An In-depth Visual Introduction For Beginners
4.18 avg rating — 88 ratings
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64Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
4.40 avg rating — 12,356 ratings
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66Scratch 2.0 Programming
4.49 avg rating — 47 ratings
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67The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography
4.30 avg rating — 19,098 ratings
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68Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
4.71 avg rating — 169 ratings
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69The Sciences of the Artificial
4.24 avg rating — 442 ratings
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70Slack: Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total Efficiency
4.02 avg rating — 1,066 ratings
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70Elements of the Theory of Computation
3.86 avg rating — 97 ratings
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70Lambda-Calculus and Combinators: An Introduction
3.88 avg rating — 17 ratings
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70Lambda-Calculus, Combinators and Functional Programming
liked it 3.00 avg rating — 4 ratings
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74Design and Validation of Computer Protocols
3.92 avg rating — 13 ratings
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75C: A Reference Manual
4.14 avg rating — 278 ratings
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76File Structures: An Object-Oriented Approach with C++
3.87 avg rating — 101 ratings
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77Debugging: The 9 Indispensable Rules for Finding Even the Most Elusive Software and Hardware Problems
4.21 avg rating — 254 ratings
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77Journey through Genius: The Great Theorems of Mathematics
4.19 avg rating — 2,477 ratings
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79The Shape of Inner Space: String Theory and the Geometry of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions
4.01 avg rating — 754 ratings
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80The Meme Machine
3.83 avg rating — 3,640 ratings
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81Does God Play Dice?: The New Mathematics of Chaos
4.02 avg rating — 1,394 ratings
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82The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom
4.12 avg rating — 4,510 ratings
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83The Hidden Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living
3.96 avg rating — 634 ratings
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84C Primer Plus
4.13 avg rating — 230 ratings
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84Managing Data Using Excel
really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 2 ratings
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84Purely Functional Data Structures
4.14 avg rating — 610 ratings
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84The Calculus of Computation: Decision Procedures with Applications to Verification
3.85 avg rating — 13 ratings
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84Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions
4.35 avg rating — 4,289 ratings
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84Modern Operating Systems
4.09 avg rating — 1,745 ratings
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84New Programmers Start Here: An Introduction to Computer Programming Using JavaScript
it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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84The Pattern on the Stone: The Simple Ideas that Make Computers Work
4.04 avg rating — 505 ratings
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84Hello, Startup: A Programmer's Guide to Building Products, Technologies, and Teams
4.46 avg rating — 255 ratings
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84ZX Spectrum Games Code Club: Twenty fun games to code and learn
4.70 avg rating — 10 ratings
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84Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript
4.31 avg rating — 726 ratings
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95Source Code Optimization Techniques For Data Flow Dominated Embedded Software
4.33 avg rating — 3 ratings
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95Designing> 4.72 avg rating — 1,947 ratings
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97A Little Java, a Few Patterns
3.80 avg rating — 54 ratings
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97Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation
3.91 avg rating — 81 ratings
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97Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
3.83 avg rating — 244 ratings
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100The Linux Command Line
4.37 avg rating — 998 ratings
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172 books · 233 voters · list created June 10th, 2009 by Darklight(votes) .
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Hrmmm there's a few reasons why this quiz made me unhappy:
(a) you need a basic theory book, but Sipser's not necessarily better than Hopcroft/Ullman, and certainly less complete regarding automata and languages. anyone hoping to be less more than a theory tyro needs at least Computers and Intractability, Approximation Algorithms, Randomized Algorithms and a satchel's worth of math books
(b) I have to list APIUE because I felt we needed an operating systems book, but also a practicum, and also something on design; a thorough study of APIUE provides all 3, and also one of the most useful reference books around. but it feels a bit applied for this list.
(c) since you're trying to minimize your votes (so as not to list overly many), there's an emphasis on broad coverage (ie this felt more like '5-7 computer science books to bring to a desert island surrounded by a faraday cage and anechoic wall') -- hence the mandatory inclusion of Knuth and Leon-Garcia (Knuth covers algorithms broadly enough by himself to free up a CLR-ish slot, and you have to know something about networks or you won't be able to piss in modern buildings, let alone write code)
but what about..language design and lambda calculus? the former's too diverse. regarding the latter, only one book could possibly deserve the nod (Barendregt's The Lambda Calculus), but i doubt 5 people worldwide read the fucker in a given Year of our LORD.
what about architecture? hell, the single most important things any systems programmer will need to know for the next twenty years are:
- power wall and thus multi/many-core
- memory subsystems aka Keep your Willy in your Pants and your Data in your Cache
hell, the first question i ask almost every interviewee is 'here is a data structure. optimize it for cache, which will be parameterized to you thusly'. if they don't get that, they're shown the door.
what about GUIs and databases? well, frankly, GUIs nauseate me and databases are for accountants, the DMV and the sex offenders' office, certainly not elite coders (writing databases is something else entirely). so fuck 'em.
computer graphics ought just be called 'graphics math' to cut down on confusion. books about triangles are beyond the scope of this enumeration, unless it's computational geometry for integer programming problems and loop optimization in compilers. numerical computing's the same kinda deal, just harder.

Nick wrote: 'Hrmmm there's a few reasons why this quiz made me unhappy:
(a) you need a basic theory book, but Sipser's not necessarily better than Hopcroft/Ullman, and certainly less complete regarding automat..'

also: 'Artificial Intelligence, a Modern Approach'? ummm, how about a 2 page handout on game trees, A* search and SVM's?

databases are for accountants, the DMV and the sex offenders' office, certainly not elite coders GASP! relational databases are the backbone of nearly all dynamic websites! (it is true however that if you're using one, you definitely not doing any elite coding).
I feel like only 1 programmer in 100 can write efficient code these days. In the last 4 years, despite hardware getting faster, the same programs are running slower than they did and people are doing much less (computationally) than they used to with more powerful machines.

message 4: by Nick (last edited Jul 16, 2009 01:38PM) (new)

GASP! relational databases are the backbone
A story: My junior year, I took the intro to databases class at GT (CS4400), because they canceled my fucking graduate automata theory class in developments that can ultimately be traced back to the introduction of GUIs and people no longer a new assembly language every few years (in a Cormac McCarthy-like future, this will all change, and we'll also get to eat people). In one of those passive-aggressive bits of responsible behavior that so pockmarked my undergraduate career, I didn't bother attending until the first test. This wasn't so irregular as it was SOP -- what for textbooks, after all, if not autodidactically-freed time to explore massive SGI machines from the underwear-beclad comfort of one's weedful dorm?
Problem was, I'd forgotten to purchase the book, and knew no one in my was an unpleasant night indeed, studying random things about databases, SQL, etc via undirected google searches. I entered with trepidation.
30 questions, multiple-choice (wtf? only CS class I can remember with multiple-choice) on the relational algebra. I read it through, not really knowing any terms, thinking I'll probably just drop the class..but as it turned out, assuming logical coherency in the questions and answers, there was only one likely, consistent assignment of semantics. I quickly reverse-engineered the selections, the projections, the joins and the closures, marked down my answers, and triumphantly departed for a nice Chianti and some fava beans.
Saying this list needs a databases book is like saying it needs a book on predicate calculus, which is like saying it needs a book on real analysis, which is like saying it needs The Elements of Programming and that rather than CS degrees we all ought get math degrees (one ought, of course, get both). Taken the other direction, it's like saying we need a book on scrotumtightening perl and a lab practicum with Windows NT.
What were we talking about? Sorry, I rant in my old age.
of nearly all dynamic websites!
I must admit to never having worked on a 'dynamic website'; if I were to build such a thing, I'd almost certainly do it as a C apache module, and initiate the project by rewriting apache =D. Just for fun, from an old classic:
Where does the typical Real Programmer work? What kind of programs are worthy of the efforts of so talented an individual? You can be sure that no Real Programmer would be caught dead writing accounts-receivable programs in COBOL, or sorting mailing lists for People magazine. A Real Programmer wants tasks of earth-shaking importance (literally!).
* Real Programmers work for Los Alamos National Laboratory, writing atomic bomb simulations to run on Cray I supercomputers.
* Real Programmers work for the National Security Agency, decoding Russian transmissions.
* It was largely due to the efforts of thousands of Real Programmers working for NASA that our boys got to the moon and back before the Russkies.
* The computers in the Space Shuttle were programmed by Real Programmers.
* Real Programmers are at work for Boeing designing the operation systems for cruise missiles.
Some of the most awesome Real Programmers of all work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Many of them know the entire operating system of the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft by heart. With a combination of large ground-based Fortran programs and small spacecraft-based assembly language programs, they are able to do incredible feats of navigation and improvisation-- hitting ten-kilometer wide windows at Saturn after six years in space, repairing or bypassing damaged sensor platforms, radios, and batteries. Allegedly, one Real Programmer managed to tuck a pattern matching program into a few hundred bytes of unused memory in a Voyager spacecraft that searched for, located, and photographed a new moon of Jupiter.
The current plan for the Galileo spacecraft is to use a gravity assist trajectory past Mars on the way to Jupiter. This trajectory passes within 80 +/- 3 kilometers of the surface of Mars. Nobody is going to trust a Pascal program (or Pascal programmer) for navigation to these tolerances.

I feel like only 1 programmer in 100 can write efficient code these days. In the last 4 years, despite hardware getting faster, the same programs are running slower than they did and people are doing much less (computationally) than they used to with more powerful machines.
It's a damn shame. Then again, for that lucky 1%, you're now able to accomplish things you couldn't dream of 10 years ago -- combinatorial stuff like protein folding and tilings, thermonuclear simulations at the particle level in six degrees of freedom, moving around 10Gbps of Ethernet on COTS, supporting hundreds of unimaginably bloated ruby/php processes in just a few gigabytes of RAM LOL.. =D
Check out Network Algorithmics: The Design of Fast Network Devices and Hacker's Delight. Hackin' ain't dead punk fuckin' rock!
you're alright, MICHAEL

Nick wrote: 'GASP! relational databases are the backbone
A story: My junior year, I took the intro to databases class at GT (CS4400), because they canceled my fucking graduate automata theory class in developm..'

I'd be curious what you think of today's 'big data' hype.
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They also have what they call a Give Away Page, which is over two hundred of their most popular titles, audio books, technical books, ​and books made into movies. Give the freebies a try, and if you really like their service, then you can choose to become a member and get the whole collection.

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Not Quite Free Books - Scribd

Scribd offers a fascinating collection of all kinds of reading materials: presentations, textbooks, popular reading, and much more, all organized by topic. Scribd is one of the web’s largest sources of published content, with literally millions of documents published every month.

However, Scribd is not free. It does offer a 30-day free trial, but after the trial you'll have to pay $8.99 per month to maintain a membership that grants you access to the sites entire database of books, audiobooks, and magazines. Still not a terrible deal!

Additional Resources for Free Books

In addition to the sites referenced above, there are also the following resources for free books:

  • WorldeBookFair: for a limited time, you can have access to over a million free ebooks.
  • WorldLibrary:More than 330,000+ unabridged original single file PDF eBooks by the original authors.
  • FreeTechBooks: just like the name of the site, you can get free technology-related books here.
  • organized alphabetically; there are a TON of books here.
  • Bartleby eBooks: a huge array of classic literature, all available for free download.