Sccm Software Update Point Configuration Average ratng: 3,4/5 251 votes

Mar 07, 2014  Add Software Update Point in SCCM hierarchy First, connect to SCCM, open Administration panel and select Site Configuration - Servers and Sites System Roles. On the below screenshot, is my Primary Site with WSUS installed but not configured (I stopped myself just after configuring the WSUS database). During configuration of System Center Configuration Manager 2012, Software Update Point was failed to download from internet. After few check point, found that internet access in client environment required proxy. Applied To: SCCM 2007, SCCM 2012 To configure the proxy settings for the software update point In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System.

  1. Sccm Software Update Point Configuration Windows 10
  2. Software Update For Windows
  3. Sccm Configure Software Updates
  4. Sccm 2016 Software Update Point Configuration

Once you have completed PKI certificates pre-requisites, ready to configure SCCM MP and SUP site systems components to use SSL/HTTPS. HTTPS MP and HTTPS SUP configurations are explained in this post via video tutorial as well as by step by step instructions. All these configurations are explained with SCCM 1802 production version infrastructure.

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Video Tutorial to Setup HTTPS/SSL MP and SUP Site System Server

How to Setup HTTPS MP – How to make MP communication via SSL channel?

There are two parts in the configuration of management point (MP). The First part of configuration should be done from SCCM CB console. The Second part of the configuration should be done from Management Point server IIS console. I have shown these two options in this video tutorial. HTTPS MP is one of the requirements for co-management with SCCM 1802 version.

SCCM CB Console Actions

A management point provides policy and content location information to clients. It also receives configuration data from clients. This section is HTTPS MP configuration from SCCM Cb 1802 console.

1. Open SCCM console –> AdministrationWork space –> Site Configuration –> Servers and Site System Roles
2. Select the Management Point (MP) server and Right Click on MP Role and Click Properties
3. Select HTTPS from the client connections section under the GENERAL tab of properties windows of MP site system. This will reinstall the MP component.
4. CHOOSE on “Allow Configuration Manager Cloud Management Gateway traffic
Microsoft is constantly improving the designs of Client – CMG – MP communication. Hence, I would recommend reading the latest Microsoft documentation if you are in doubt whether this is the suitable option for you or not.
5. CHOOSE to allow mobile devices and Mac computers to use the management point (when required). Click OK to close the window.

MP Server IIS Console

Sccm Software Update Point Configuration Windows 10

Login to Management Point (MP) server for IIS configurations. This section explains the HTTPS MP configuration from IIS console side.

1. Make sure you have successfully enrolled web certificate to that MP server. More details in the following video post here.
2. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Expand Sites – select your MP web site (usually ‘Default Web Site’) and select Bindings
3. Select the HTTPS entry and Edit
4. Select the new Web cert and click OK and Close
5. Test the HTTPS/SSL connectivity by browsing your MP web site using the FQDN and HTTPS with no certificate errors.

How to Configure Setup Software Update Point (SUP) to use SSL/HTTPS

There are two parts in the configuration of Software Update Point (SUP). The First part of configuration should be done from SCCM CB console. The Second part of the configuration should be done from SUP server IIS console.

SCCM CB Console Actions

A software update point(SUP) integrates with WSUS to provide software updates to SCCM clients. For SCCM to use software update point that is not installed on the site server, you must first install WSUS admin console on the site server. My preference would be to use Windows Update for Business for the software update or patching.

1. Open SCCM console –> AdministrationWork space –> Site Configuration –> Servers and Site System Roles
2. Select the Software Update Point (SUP) server and Right Click on MP Role and Click Properties
3. The ports should already be listed
WSUS Configuration details are given below:-
Port Number: 8530
SSL port Number: 8531
4. Click Require SSL communication to the WSUS server
5. Click Allow Configuration Manager cloud management gateway traffic
6. Choose “Allow Internet and intranet client connections” from Client Connection Type section. This option will automatically get selected when you select “Allow Configuration Manager cloud management gateway traffic”. Click OK to close the window.

SUP Server IIS Console

Software Update For Windows


Login to Software Update Point (SUP) server for IIS configurations. This section explains the HTTPS SUP configuration from IIS console side. To configure SSL on the WSUS server by using IIS 7.0

1. On the WSUS server, open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. Expand Sites, and then expand the Web site for the WSUS serverWSUS Administration.
3. Perform the following steps on the following virtual directories that reside under the WSUS Web site WSUS Administration.

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4. In Features View, double-click SSL Settings.
5. On the SSL Settings page, select the Require SSL checkbox. Ensure that Client certificates are set to Ignore.
6. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
7. Close Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
8. Run the following command from <WSUS Installation Folder>Tools: WSUSUtil.execonfiguressl <Intranet FQDN of the SUP site system server>
9. Restart the IIS services or Click ok Recycle button from IIS console

Bonus Video – How to Setup PKI for SCCM CB Lab

Co-Management Related Posts


For more information, see Enable management point for HTTPS.

Sccm Configure Software Updates

Sccm Software Update Point Configuration

Sccm 2016 Software Update Point Configuration

Just for clarification. The check box “Require SSL communication to the WSUS server” has nothing to do with the client communication to the SUP…right? This check box merely causes the traffic/communication between the SUP and WSUS to be SSL.